Friday, June 5, 2009

Its all about Attitude and Motivation

To be a Virtual Assistant its all about being assertive, attitude, being proactive. You have to go out there and virtually sell your services and your business to potential clients. If you are not a people's person, quiet, dont like to mingle, dont like selling yourself this is not the job for you. The aim is to attract clients and to do this you have to put yourself out there. Marketing and advertising is something that must be done, its a major requirement of the job, your content must be good to draw the client your way. You have to project yourself as a professional business person. Being a VA is not about sitting at home typing for clients, its does not work like that, you want get the clients without doing any work to draw them to you. I am advertised worldwide, its taken time to do this, ive spent countless hours looking for places to advertise on. The one thing I have never done is give up in, in all my time as a VA, ive come close but ive not actually thrown in the towel, ive picked myself up and carried on and I just keep finding new directions to market and advertise. You have to be innovative, you have to keep exploring out there. I am able to motivate myself and that is something you need to learn to do, set goals and stick with them as that works. Set goals as you start up your business for each task you do, tick off these goals as you complete them. Its much easier to complete small goals than just one large goal. Stay focused on your goals.

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